
XENOGEIST #1: an erotic, cyberpunk thriller

Created by Bad Bug Media

A law enforcer with a powerful weapon battles a cyberterrorist organization in this sexy, sci-fi thriller. NSFW.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Vote on the last trading card! Free Metal Cover!
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 01:26:34 PM

Hey, buds! The 4th cover trading card has been unlocked! Vote in the comments what you want that trading card to be! 

Also, one lucky commenter on the project main page will win a metal cover for free! So be sure to leave us a nice pat on the back there! 

More info to come!  

4 Stretch Goals Unlocked! Important notes about shipping and add-ons!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 04:40:04 PM

In case you missed it!

• Remember that we are using the Backerkit survey to collect all shipping charges. When you receive your survey, expect to pay $6 for domestic shipping on all small orders (1-6 books in an order). This was notated at the top of every reward tier, but just in case some of you didn't notice, I wanted to call it out again. 

• Additional add-on items like the Black Box will ship with your rewards but that may increase the shipping cost in domestic orders by $3-4. International orders will be more indicative of the costs associated with shipping to that specific country, so those will be more dynamic. 

• We are making 11x17s available for purchase at the time of the Backerkit survey and they will be more affordable than ever. Be on the lookout then. 

We will be launching Bobby Jo #3 in two days. There will be a cross-promotion print which we will share here in our next update. 

• Here is the tarot card that you all unlocked with 500 backers on this project! THANK YOU ALL! Art by our good friend, Summer Dale. 

Best Day 1 Ever!
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 07:06:03 PM

Hey, buds!

Thank you so much for the BEST first-day launch on ANY Bad Bug title with XenoGeist #1! We honestly weren't expecting this big of a response, even though you guys showed up for us time and time again. THANK YOU! Most of the crew in Bad Bug love sci-fi and, specifically, cyberpunk, so it was nice to be able to dive into another world similar to HyperGeist. 

The art team of Cari Salviejo and CF Lum are pumping out pages as we speak. They're a tremendous artistic pairing from what we've seen behind the scenes so far. We plan to share another page or two as the campaign progresses. 

Some general notes:

  • The mousepad sold out in 1 day. We've received several messages requesting more become available. We're going to honor that. We increased the limit to 50, which is now available to add to your pledge. Let us know if you need help searching for it or figuring out how to adjust your pledge. 
  • We have noticed a lot of backers loving Cover F (Vinz el Tabanas). If you'd like to see that cover available in holofoil or metal let us know in the comments. If there's enough engagement, we may open a limited number. 
  • We dropped the price of the Mega Sets for Covers C and E. They are now $150 each. 
  • Bobby Jo 3 launches soon and will have a crossover print with this campaign. Be sure to follow by clicking on the pic below!